Blogger Style Look of the Day: for Love & Lemons via weWOREWHAT

Why this Works in the OC?

I’ve had my eye on this amazing statement dress for weeks. It’s available at a few of OCSR’s favorite boutiques including the Shop. Laguna, Uptown GirlSwirl and CocoRose.


The Why: This A-line statement dress works beautifully as both a day or night option. From the sweetheart to the chic bohemian, by simply changing up the accessory details of this dress, it can be styled for any girl on any occassion.

Hair & Make-up: This will completely depend on how one chooses to style the dress based on the occasion. From a 5 minute fresh face to full glam make-up, have fun and remember to wear this amazing dress way more than once!

Photo Credit: weWOREWHAT?1-forloveandlemons-dress-weworewhat




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