Designer Spotlight | Jewelry Edition with Heart Majestic

Heart Majestic

Why we ♥ love Ellie & Jade

I can’t put my finger on what I fell in love with first… The jewelry, the sisters’ equally amazing individual style, or their beyond sweet personalities. Oh… Did I mention that these two sister are also incredibly beautiful? I came across Heart Majestic Jewelry at one of my favorite OC Boutiques, Swirl in San Clemente. We have had the pleasure of working with Ellie & Jade as our Muses and also as the featured jewelry designer in a few of our fashion layouts.

Make sure to check out the collection on Etsy or you can also shop Heart Majestic at two of our favorite OC boutiques Swirl & the Shop. Laguna. Follow Heart Majestic on Instagram & Facebook to stay up-to-date on the newest styles.

Photo Source: Heart Majestic | Photo Credit: GypsylovinlightHeart Majestic1

How long have you been designing/making jewelry and at what point did you decide to make it your career?

We have been making jewelry since we were about 14/15 years old. Our mother started taking a jewelry making class and we became obsessed right along with her.  We just started making gifts for our friends in our teens. By the time we were in our early twenties we started having jewelry parties for our local fans – it wasn’t till about a year or so ago that we relized this is what we are destined to do.
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What is the inspirations behind your designs?/What inspired your most recent collection?

Our inspirations come from feelings we get. We also love to be and feel different- innovative.
Our most recent Summer line included the feelings we get from Summer. Things you find on the beach : Abalone, feathers and Also the fun: Shark Week and all things sharky.
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Where does the name Heart Majestic come from?

The name Heart Majestic comes from the notion that inner beauty shines through.

Women with a majestic heart are the most beautiful women in the room. When you feel like a goddess you ARE one. We would love to think our jewelry can make someone feel like that.
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How would you describe your personal style?

Our personal style is just that – personal 🙂 Jade tends to be more boho. Ellie is a bit more edgy. Both of us like to wear pieces that are on trend but also items that no one else could find. We both like to look like no one else in the room. We love to feel like special unicorns 🙂 (hence the cray pieces we make)
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What Heart Majestic piece do you find yourself wearing the most?

We both wear Bite Me cuff & Salt Water Arm bangle everyday!!

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 What’s next for Heart Majestic?

We have some amazing things coming from Heart Majestic! Our Fall line is going to be edgy and fun! ( Think storybook with a twist )
2015 we are trying some new things with precious metals and higher end stones – another level! We hope everyone loves it as much as we do!!
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 All Photos from Heart Majestic on Facebook
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