Blogger Style Look of the Day: Summer Whites via Tuula Vintage

Why this Works in the OC…

I love all white-it’s so chic & clean.

The Why: By this time of year most of us have got a little summer tan, why not show if off with all white. When it comes to monochromatic looks adding texture will give your look more visual interested. This is true all year round with any head-to-toe color. The key to wearing white is fit. This is true with all clothing but especially white. I personally loved this look because of it’s loose fit and yet it still had a sense of structure.  Just a little tip when buying and wearing white…. I do not buy “investment pieces” in white. As much as I’m tempted too I try and buy my white items with the best value-as white clothing usually has a shorter self life than any other color in ones closet.

Hair & Make-up: When it comes to all white summer clothing I’d keep the make up natural. As far as your lips…. Balm, gloss, pale pink or bright color all work!

Photo Source: Tuula VintageTuula Vintage

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Tuula Vintage 1

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