10 Step Skin Care Routine… Do we need one?
It seems like everywhere I look, everyone is talking about a 10 Step Skin Care Routine. And of course since it comes from Korea, a major leader in the skin care industry, it must be the next big thing, right? Today I want to share my two cents on this new skin care phenomena and answer the burning question: do I really need a 10 step skin care routine to achieve beautiful skin? Let me put you out of your misery by answering: NO! You most likely do not need a 10 step skin care routine. But there are certain people who may benefit from one. Read on to find out more!
So, what is this 10 Step Skin Care Routine, and why is Everyone Talking About it? I think the first thing that came to mind when I heard about the 10 step skin care routine was: oh my goodness, that must take a lot of time.. And this is really the case. We come from a culture where saving time is key, and where multitaskers are favored. So, for those of you who haven’t looked into it, here is what a “10 Step Skin Care Routine” looks like:
1. Pre-Cleanse with a makeup remover wipe.
2. Cleanse your skin, preferably using soft strokes in a circular motion.
3. Exfoliate away dead skin cells on your face and your lips.
4. Apply Toner to remove excess dirt and oil from the pores and prep it for follow up products.
5. Apply Your Essence (a gentle solution, typically a mist, that boasts big results) and gently pat onto skin.
6. Use a Few Drops of Ampoule (a super concentrated version of the “essence”, similar to a serum) to your skin.
7. Massage/ Mask: this step asks you to give yourself a 5 minute face massage, apply soothing masks to your eyes, or go for gold with a sheet mask (which should typically only be used only 1-3 times a week).
8. Apply Eye Cream in a soft, tapping motion.
9. Moisturize with a lightweight moisturizer, gently applied to skin.
10. PM Treat by slathering on an ultra rich night cream.
Phew! That was a lot of work, and while I can certainly appreciate the dedication, I can wholeheartedly say that the majority of us will be better off finding a system that works for our individual skin care needs (be it a 3-product system, or a 12-product system).
Who Will Benefit from this Type of Skin Care System? Remember how I mentioned that certain people would benefit more than others from this particular regimen? The answer is: those with multiple skincare concerns. For instance: if you are struggling with dry skin, rosacea, sensitivity, eczema patches, acne scars, and aging concerns, incorporating more products into your regimen may allow you to treat all of those things at once. But of course, I do urge you to work with your dermatologist or esthetician to find 10 products that will work in harmony with one another, and layer effectively on top of each other. Remember, your skin can only absorb so much, so it is important to let a professional map it out for you before wasting time, product and money.
Can I try a 10 Step Skin Care Routine? Well, of course you can! But again, I strongly urge you to speak to a professional about putting together a regimen. Layering that many products on your face poses a few threats, such as: clogged pores, products not absorbing into skin, and certain ingredients interacting poorly with one another. You cannot take any 10 products and simply put them together, you will need to know which products work in harmony with others, and in what order you will want to apply them to your face.
If Not a 10 Step Skin Care Routine, How Many Products Should I Be Using? The answer is: it really depends on your skincare needs. I have met people who show gorgeous results by using a cleanser, AM serum/oil, and PM serum/oil, and I have met people who use multi-product systems (cleanser, toner, serum, moisturizer) and achieve equally beautiful skin. A great way to start is to pick your holy grail three products (cleanser, serum, moisturizer) and work from there. If you feel an essence will benefit you, ask your esthetician to recommend one (I have tried and enjoyed Alex Cosmetic’s Absolute Hyaluron Essence and it is fabulous)! If you still feel you need an ampoule after adding the essence, ask your esthetician about adding that one as well! Sometimes less is more, and sometimes it isn’t, so start small and build from there!