My favorite Cold Weather Skincare Tips
with Beauty Expert Alana Mitchell
Okay, okay! So, I know Southern California doesn’t typically reach freezing lows. But as I started to notice a shift in my skin earlier this month, I knew it was time to talk about some of the cold weather skincare tips I live by – and you should too! Are you ready for it?
Tip #1: Don’t Ditch Your Sunscreen!
I cannot stress this enough! If you keep your SPF game strong in the warmer spring, summer, and even fall months, you are going to want to keep it up through winter. Just because the temperatures drop and the sun hides behind more clouds DOES NOT mean you aren’t getting hit by UV Rays.
In case the possibility of skin cancer wasn’t enough, sun damage is one of the leading causes of aging. So be sure to layer it on and reapply throughout the day! One of my favorites for year-round use is easily Image Skincare’s Prevention+ Daily Ultimate Protection Moisturizer SPF 50. It is light enough for use in the summer, and moisturizing enough for use in the winter. It is like the Goldilocks of sunscreen!
Tip #2: Go Easy on the Glycolic.
This is especially true if you notice your skin shifting from oily to dry as the weather cools down. Glycolic Acid is one of my favorite multi-tasking ingredients, but the fact is, it’s drying. So take it down a notch and slowly build up your skin’s tolerance. If at any point, it starts to feel tight, dry, or itchy, space out your use of the product!
Tip #3: The Same Goes for Retinol.
Retinol is yet another favorite ingredient. It is one of the few that you can slather on at night and almost certainly wake up with better skin the next morning. But, when used on the regular it can exacerbate dryness, especially when your skin is already dryer than usual. So, what is a retinol lover to do? Take a note from the tip above and space it out. You can also look for more hydrating retinol products. I am a huge fan of Medik8’s Retinol 10TR Advanced Night Balm!
Tip #4: Treat Yo’ Self to a New Moisturizer!
If you know you’re going to get more dry as the weather gets colder, stay ahead of the game with a good moisturizer. If you aren’t quite sure whether your skin gets dry in the winter months, You can always look out for common signs that your skin is dehydrated.
Those signs include: a general feeling of dryness (duh), skin feeling “tight” and/or itchy, flakey skin on face, more noticeable fine lines, and more!
I struggle with this one myself. It’s so much easier to get my 8 glasses or more in during the summer, when it is warm and nothing is more refreshing than a tall class of cold water. But in the winter, when the hustle and bustle of the holidays are in full swing and the weather is cooler, it can be easy to forget.
Here is a little motivation for you: many superficial fine lines and wrinkles are the result of dehydration. So, staying adequately hydrated will not only be good for your body, but it will keep your skin healthy, plump, and hydrated!
Tip #6: Look at Your Hands.
I swear when it comes to my hands it’s like they go from fine to painfully dry overnight. Avoid that dilemma by paying attention to your hands, and keep a moisturizer close by to hydrate them often. With cold and flu season in full swing, I find myself washing my hands and using hand sanitizer much more often than I do in the summer, which causes my hands to totally dry out.
Dry skin looks much older (and can actually age faster if not properly hydrated). So don’t slack on the moisturization and invest in a good hand cream!
Tip #7: Turn Down the Heat.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before – heat can zap moisture from your skin in an instant. Showering is a great culprit; let’s face it, fewer things feel better than a hot shower when it’s cold out. And the dreaded stepping out of the shower can make it tempting to stand under that hot water for longer. If you must do this, BE SURE to follow up with a deep moisturizer following toweling off. But my best advice is to keep it warm (not hot) and limit your time. We are in a drought, so you will also be doing the environment good!
As for your home – keep your heater off as much as possible! Get cozy with a hoodie or blankets if you are lounging. If you must crank up the heat, use a humidifier to keep some moisture in the air!
Tip #8: Have Fun with It!
As the popular holiday song goes, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”. Don’t be afraid to take some time to pamper yourself with a hydrating treat. I have been OBSESSING over Dr. Dennis Gross’ Hyaluronic Marine Hydrating Modeling Mask. It is so much fun to use, and leaves my skin looking plump, dewy, and fresh! LOVE!